Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Maybe today is the day to... (Christmas edition)

understand that when you're a grown-up, Christmas can be a decision. When you were a kid, others made it happen for you (if you were lucky) and the world seemed special for a while, because of Christmas tree, decorations, gingerbread cookies and gifts, but most of all, because somebody made all these things happen.
As grown-ups we can feel nostalgic about that time, because nothing seems to happen on its own anymore and usually we're the ones making it happen. Gifts have to be bought, cookies made and homes decorated. The trick is that these activities can actually be quite enjoyable, but you have to push yourself to make that first step, as with other things in life, it won't just happen on its own. But once you start, you will be surprised how much you enjoy them and Christmastime might just become the most magical time of the year for you too.


  1. I missed my good old Christmases too.

    1. Let's make it happen this year - we still have a week left!

  2. lovely post. I guess we are passed the torch. It's our turn to make it magical for the ones we love, just as was done for us. (I think i'm failing though...)

    1. Who isn't? There's just so much to do in this last week, so I remind myself all the time to enjoy it too. From my own childhood I remember memories more than actual things, so I guess these are most important to create, and it's hard to have good memories without feeling good.
      I wish you the best of luck with festive preparations and I'm sure you'll have a lovely Christmastime!
